Responsive design crititcal for Google and your customers

  • It is becomming more common for people to view web sites using smart phones or tablets with designtops PC's on the decline. It is critiacal that your current website is mobile-friendly. With a mobile freindly web site it will automatically adjust so that they are easy to use on any size of a screen.

    Website that are not mobile-friendly can now have there positon on search engines reduced resulting in effect on their rankings. Having your web site mobile freindly will book your rakings on search engines. Read this about Google! . It’s critical that you fix this problem or you can see yourself losing out on potential customers. plus your web site will look better and give customers a better web browsingn experience.

    Future proof small-business websites that even you can manage
    G7 Design wants your business to have a sucesful Internet presance. We can offer a mobile freindly web site with out content management system to allow you to maintain and update the web site.. Building a mobile-friendly website is key for business owners to allow there web site to stand out. .

    Why responsive design?
      • Search Engines like Google will give mobile freindly web sites higher rankings
      • Users will have a better experience and easier for them to navigate and read
      • Users using a mobile phone will spend more time on your web site

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